Casa Mexicana was established in January of 1999
by Israel and Dee DeLaPaz. It is a family
owned and operated Mexican style restaurant with
authentic Mexican food.
The story according to Dee...
We got our start in a different kind of way.
We certainly were not planning on opening our
own business. Israel came to this country 15
years ago and his first job was a dishwasher.
He has been in the restaurant business his whole
life. He worked his way up to become a
waiter and that is where he was when we met and
married in 1996. He later became manager
of El Maguey, a restaurant that was here in
Paducah, KY.
was a merchandiser of a major department store
here in Paducah. In May of 1998 they
downsized and did away with my position so I
went to work with Israel. In November that
year his restaurant was sold and he was out of a
job. So, that Thanksgiving, here we were
in Paducah, KY, both out of jobs and expecting
our little girl Nikki. He was planning on
going to Ohio to work. We were sitting at
home one night wondering and worrying what we
were going to do, when we received a phone call
from a friend and long time customer. She
asked if we would be interested in opening our
own business. Well, we were very excited
but somewhat hesitate. Here we were scared,
broke and expecting a baby. She told us to
hang tight and she would get back with us.
After a few days of praying and wondering, we
received another call and set up a meeting with
a man that I started calling our "guardian
angel"...and still do. We met with him in
this huge building and told him our story and
that we were both hard workers and would make a
go of it if he would give us a chance and lease
us the building. He gave us a wonderful
deal and worked with us.
We worked and cleaned and got our crew back
together and opening night was breath taking.
We want to say "THANK YOU" to our guardian angel
Charlie Saladino and to all our customers that
have followed and stayed with us. We love
you all! we also want to THANK our
workers, they are the best. We would
also like to say "THANK YOU" to our special
friend Vicki Perkins. Without all of you
this would not have been possible.
Most of all we thank God. He is the most
important one in our lives. He keeps
looking out for us day after day. Thank
you all, again, for your business and support.

& Dee DeLaPaz